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What Is Bioremediation?

soil-picThere is now more literature on Bio remediation on the Internet so I will explain it from Fitotec’s perspective. Bioremediation is the using the natural organisms coupled with their nutritional and environmental needs to bring soil and water back into balance. The microbes that are used by Fitotec are specially combined formulations to address the issues we are currently facing in the Agricultural, Aquaculture, Environmental and Industrial environment. Arthropods, fungi, bacteria, nematodes etc are some of the organisms that are present in the soil and water environment that decompose and use the nutrients or ‘toxins’ as an energy source. Within this environment the decomposed or readily available carbon is an integral part of the energy equation and if it is not available adding carbon in essential.

It is important to understand that the environment, such as pH, moisture, pore size, types of food available and past and present chemical influence the organisms in the soil and water. In addition, a thorough analysis or / and history of soil and water body is an asset in a successful remediation.

Organisms Flourish In Soil Organic Matter

As stated above the organisms flourish in soil organic matter and they derive their energy and nutrients from plants and other organisms. The organisms interact with each other either mutually or exclusively but they degrade organic matter, derive byproducts from growing roots, plant residue or from each other. The Arthropods, earthworms, nematodes, the shredder organisms, break down the litter and the bacteria and fungi are able to access the smaller particles and the soluble organic substances, such as sugars, proteins and starches are utilized rapidly. Lignins and hemicellulose are decomposed more slowly. Bacteria tend to use more simple organic compounds, such as root exudates. Fungi tend to use more complex compounds such as the lignins. There are more and more discoveries of specialized beneficial microbes that can digest for example sodium for their energy source and what I have seen give off the byproduct of Potassium (biotransmutation). The symbiotic relationship that is established with the bacteria and roots and the cooperative community with other organisms is referred to as the soil food web. In this rhizosphere the organisms also control other organisms including soil pests through what I see as antagonism, disease suppression and or exclusion of heavy metals. This particular relationship filters, buffers, degrades, immobilizes and detoxify organic and inorganic (biotic and abiotic) materials that can or are toxic.

Moving Water Is Energized and Supports Life

Aerobic, facultative and anaerobic microbes populate the water environment. When water is out of balance with nutrients and toxins the anaerobic microbes dominate and we have eutrophication, algae and bad odor, this imbalance can be in rivers, ponds (including fish ponds) lakes, reservoirs and sewage facilities. Low Dissolved Oxygen (DO), nutrient overload and toxins are partly and or collectively responsible. Cyanobacteria toxins and fish kills are a direct result of out of balance water bodies. Fitotec uses specialized microbes that are isolated from water bodies’ work in reducing the nutrients, toxins, sludge bringing the water into balance and basically starve the algae to death. (